Virgil Fire Station No.3

Virgil Fire Station No.3

Virgil Fire Station No.3 This Virgil Fire Station provides improved fire protection service to the southern extents of Virgil. The facility was developed to fit the heritage facade vernacular of old town Niagara-on-the-Lake, while the interior provides modern...
Thorold Fire Station No.4

Thorold Fire Station No.4

Thorold Fire Station No.4 This Fire Station in south Thorold accommodates volunteers from two former satellite stations under one roof. Three double depth drive-through garage bays accommodate six vehicles concurrently, and feature central drainage grates below each...
St. Catharines Fire Station No. 4

St. Catharines Fire Station No. 4

St. Catharines Fire Station No. 4 Located in the historic Merriton district of St. Catharines, this new full time fire station is surrounded by significant buildings reflecting the City’s industrial, institutional and civic heritage. Consequently, the station’s design...
Pelham Fire Station No. 2

Pelham Fire Station No. 2

Pelham Fire Station No. 2 This new fire station for the Town of Pelham replaced their out-dated facility. Used as a volunteer fire fighting facility the program is split into a public and a firefighter side delineated by the new apparatus bay which houses up to 6...
Orillia Fire Station No. 1

Orillia Fire Station No. 1

Orillia Fire Station No. 1 This new full time station replaces an antiquated facility in in Orillia’s old downtown core. It also accommodates Orillia’s Fire Department Headquarters (on the upper floor) including 8 Offices, a Meeting Room, Records Archives and a...